Wednesday, November 30, 2011

US asks Pakistan to reconsider Afghan talks boycott

The US has asked Pakistan to reconsider its decision to boycott an international conference on Afghanistan in Bonn next week, saying it is in Islamabad's interest and that its participation was "very important" for the future of the war-torn country.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while voicing regret at Pakistan's decision hoped it would reconsider and find a "follow-up way" to take part in the talks in Germany.

85 nations and 15 international organisations are due to attend the crucial international meet starting on December 5.

Addressing an aid conference in South Korea, Ms Clinton reiterated the US position that the border killing of Pakistani soldiers was a "tragic incident" and pledged an investigation "as swiftly and thoroughly as possible."

"Frankly this is regrettable that Pakistan has decided not to attend the conference in Bonn because this conference has been long in the planning," Ms Clinton later told reporters.

"Pakistan like the United States has a profound interest in a secure, stable and increasingly democratic Afghanistan," she said.

Yesterday, Pakistan announced its decision to boycott the Bonn talks in protest against the killing of 24 of its soldiers by NATO forces in a cross-border fire on the Af-Pak border over the weekend. The incident was described by the Pakistani Army as a "deliberate act of aggression".

"We certainly urge Pakistan to participate in this conference. It's very important for the future of Afghanistan," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters here.

"Pakistan obviously will play an important role in the future of Afghanistan, and we urge them to participate in the conference," Mr Carney said in response to a question.

The US State Department also echoed White House's sentiments.

"It is important to note that this conference is about Afghanistan, about its future, about building a safer, more prosperous Afghanistan within the region. So it's very much in Pakistan's interest to attend this conference," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.

Q2 GDP in-line, Sensex, Nifty pare losses

Consumer durables were the worst performing group of stocks while Capital goods stocks declined over 1 per cent, reflecting the poor growth number.

Indian markets pared losses after the second quarter gross domestic product data came in-line with expectations. At 1155 hours, the Sensex was down 36 points while the broader Nifty index was trading 16 points lower.

Second quarter GDP stood at 6.9 per cent, the slowest pace of economic growth in the last nine quarters. Analysts said the number was already priced in. "It is lower than one expected but not very much lower...The number is still consistent with overall growth rate of over 7.5 per cent for the year," C Rangarajan, Chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council said. He added that the second quarter number might be revised upwards.

Consumer durables were the worst performing group of stocks while Capital goods stocks declined over 1 per cent, reflecting the poor growth number. High beta stocks - metals and realty - were also trading with deep cuts.

On the Sensex, 12 stocks were trading higher. Defensive stocks extended gains. HUL and Sun Pharma advanced over 1 per cent. Sterlite and BHEL were the big underperformers on the Sensex, falling over 2 per cent.

The market breadth weakened despite some pullback in the benchmark indices. Nearly 73 per cent stocks were down on the broader BSE 500 index.

Indian stocks recovered even as Asian markets weakened further. Markets in China plunged over 3.5 per cent while Hong Kong's benchmark, Hang Seng, was down 2 per cent. Global sentiments turned negative after a meeting of European finance ministers ended without an announcement on plans to contain the debt crisis. Bond rates in Italy rose sharply as compared to last month, further deterioration sentiments.

"Investors and policy makers are becoming frustrated with the lack of progress in resolving the euro crisis, which has been going on for over 2 years now. There is policy frustration in EU, there is policy frustration in OECD which has forecasted a recessionary growth in Europe and action needs to be taken," Robert Parker of Credit Suisse said.

Two million public sector workers to go on strike in UK today

More than two million British public sector workers are expected to go on strike on Wednesday over proposed pension reforms, threatening chaos for travellers using London's Heathrow Airport.

Nine out of ten of state schools will close, refuse will remain uncollected and hospitals will have skeleton staffing as workers walkout in Britain's largest industrial action for three decades.

Passengers arriving at London's Heathrow airport, one of the world's busiest air hubs, have been warned to expect delays getting their passports checked as border control officials join the action.

"At this stage, we believe that immigration queues for non-EU passengers could be contained to within two to three hours," said a statement issued by BAA, Heathrow's operator, on Tuesday.

BAA warned that flights could be diverted away from the airport if congestion within the immigration areas became dangerous.

The strike will be the biggest test so far of Prime Minister David Cameron's coalition government, which sparked the unions' fury by proposing to bring the retirement age for public sector workers into line with the state pension.

Finance Minister George Osborne on Tuesday outlined the government's stance, telling union leaders to call off the strike while further angering them by announcing a two-year, one-percent cap on public sector pay rises during his autumn statement.

"I would once again ask the unions why they are damaging our economy at a time like this and putting jobs at risk," he said. "Call off the strikes tomorrow, come back to the table."

Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude on Tuesday called the strikes "indefensible and wrong".

Under the proposals, public sector workers will be asked to work until they are 66 and increase their contribution payments by £2.8 billion ($4.4 billion, 3.3 billion euros) by 2014/2015.

The government also plans to peg pension payouts to the Retail Price Index rate of inflation rather than the higher Consumer Price Index measure as it seeks to address the double problem of increased life expectancy and a depleted public purse.

Staff also face a lower pension payout, based on their average salary as opposed to the final salary schemes to which they are currently tied.

Cameron has also condemned the strike, arguing the government has made a reasonable offer on public sector pensions at a time when it is ushering in a raft of austerity measures aimed at slashing the deficit.

"It is not going to achieve anything and it will be damaging to our economy," Cameron said of the strike on Monday.

But the action has the support of all the main unions and Dave Prentis, leader of the Unison union, predicted 2.6 million people could take part -- making it the biggest since the 1926 General Strike.

Some airlines have cancelled flights in and out of Heathrow on Wednesday, including Middle East carrier Etihad, which has axed two flights from Abu Dhabi as well as one Heathrow-Abu Dhabi service.

Virgin Atlantic said it had slashed 1,000 people from its passenger lists for Wednesday and it and British Airways are among carriers that have waived the normal charges for those wishing to change their flights.

How Mumbai flash mob prepared for its big day

Two hundred dancers took commuters at Mumbai's hectic Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station by surprise on Sunday, when they broke into dance accompanied by the title track from Bollywood hit Rang de Basanti.

The Mumbai Flash Mob, as it was dubbed, threatened to become a viral phenomenon in India by Tuesday evening, as videos of the performance rocketed through the Twitter universe, were posted on Facebook and liked on YouTube.

While the video looks spontaneous, the act was carefully planned.

"One of the top items on my travel to-do list, which I never got around to in Europe, was to be a part of a flash mob," one of the organizers of the mob, Shonan Kothari, formerly a researcher for Harvard Business School, said in a telephone interview. "Since India didn't have anything of the sort, I figured I'd do it myself," she said.

Getting over 200 people to participate in a choreographed dance in the middle of Mumbai's bustling central railway station required a month of planning, including visits to three different departments at the station for security clearance. Atul Rane, senior divisional operations manager at  Indian Railways, helped coordinate with other departments to organize the lighting, ladders and camera placements, Ms. Kothari said.

Then Ms. Kothari had to coordinate the dancers. "I had 325 people sign up within two days of sending out the e-mail," she said. She didn't spread the word on any social networking Web site, fearing too many people would show up. The dancers were taught the choreography in small batches over the course of two weeks in a Malabar Hill park.

While so-called flash mobs have been popular in the United States and Europe for years, the phenomenon has not really caught on in India. That may be about to change, judging by the amount of attention the video has garnered.

Weightlessness and high radiation levels experienced in space

Worm colonies can be established on space stations without the need for researchers to tend to them, which could help scientists understand the effects of weightlessness and high radiation levels experienced in space, a new study has found.

Since space is no easy amble, humans must first learn to cheaply and safely propel themselves into space regularly, and then, once there, must adapt to high levels of radiation and to weightlessness.

In preparation for longer spaceflight, researchers from the University of Nottingham have designed shields to deflect harmful energetic particles, and continue to study the ill-effect of weightlessness on astronauts.

The gravity studies have mostly focused on a group of muscles, broadly known as anti-gravity muscles, which seem to deteriorate without the gravitational pull of the Earth.

However, there is some evidence for the weakening in all muscles, including the hearts of astronauts.

According to Nathaniel Szewczyk, weightlessness not only sees animals use their muscles less, but causes changes in the chemical reactions within the muscle cells.

Szewczyk and his team, looked at the effects of weightlessness on the muscles of worms, because these multicellular animals share many genes with humans, and can therefore help scientists gauge the long-term impacts of deep spaceflight on human life.

The recent mission saw Szewczyk’s worms return to Earth with the space shuttle Discovery, and it was the longest time worms have survived and been recovered.

This was possible because the international team established an automated setup for growing worms that transferred a subset of worms to fresh food every month, filming the worms; progress as they went.

The technique was dependent on establishing that worms fare just as well in liquid as they do on their usual agar plates.

“Because we had the bad experience with shuttle STS-107, which of course is the shuttle that broke up, we are keen to avoid being dependent on getting the worms back,” Szewczyk was quoted as saying.

US President Obama nominates Indian-American to key admin post

US President Barack Obama has nominated Indian-American Arun Majumdar to a key administration post in the Department of Energy.

An IIT-Mumbai alumni, Majumdar has been nominated as the US Under Secretary of Energy, the White House announced today along with other nominations by the US President.

"These men and women have demonstrated knowledge and dedication throughout their careers. I am grateful they have chosen to take on these important roles, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come," Obama said.

Majumdar has served as the Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) since 2009. Previously, he was Associate Laboratory Director for Energy and Environment at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science and engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.

His research career has focused on the science and engineering of energy conversion, transport, and storage, ranging from the molecular and nanoscale level to large energy systems.

He has served on the advisory committee of the National Science Foundation's engineering directorate and the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Majumdar was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2005.

He received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai in 1985 and his Ph.D. in 1989 from the University of California, Berkeley.

Britain is pulling out diplomats from Iran

Britain is pulling out all its diplomats from Iran, a day after its embassy in the country was stormed by protesters who ransacked the compound, evoking outrage worldwide.

British Prime Minister David Cameron warned Iran of serious consequences over the "outrageous and indefensible" incident that has further escalated tensions between Iran and the West.

Agitated over Britain's announcement of additional economic sanctions on Iran in coordination with the US and Canada over its nuclear programme, protesters had yesterday attacked UK's embassy and another diplomatic compound, ransacking the properties and setting documents on fire.

BBC quoted its diplomatic sources as saying that the country is withdrawing all its diplomatic staff from Iran following the attack on its embassy.

In fact, it said a first group of embassy staff was already at the Tehran airport and due to fly to Dubai. The UN Security Council strongly condemned the attack and called on the Iranian authorities to ensure that diplomatic and consular property and personnel are protected.

Expressing "deep concern" at the assault by protesters who vandalised property at the embassy compound and tore down the Union Jack flag, the 15-nation Council called on the Iranian authorities to "respectfully their international obligations" to protect diplomatic personnel and property.

US President Barack Obama urged the Iranian government to hold to task those responsible for the attack while Germany summoned the Iranian ambassador in Berlin over the issue.

Iran yesterday regretted the incident, terming it "unacceptable" as police said those who took part would be prosecuted.

Congress core group meets on FDI issue

Amid the continuing logjam over allowing FDI in retail, the Congress core committee is meeting here right now to discuss the issue.

The meeting is being held at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s residence. Among others, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Commerce Minister Anand Sharma, Home Minister P Chidambaram and Congress chief’s political secretary Ahmed Patel are attending the meeting.

That meeting is being held hours after Sonia Gandhi this morning chaired a meeting of Congress’ parliamentary party to discuss the issue. That meeting was attended by all top Congress leaders and its ministers in the UPA government.

At the meeting, Pranab Mukherjee apprised Congress MPs of the government’s stand on the issue. He said that FDI in retail will help bring inflation.

Also, Commerce Minister Anand Sharma will brief Congress MPs on the issue tomorrow.

Sonia is reportedly upset over the continuing deadlock over the retail FDI issue, which has been disrupting the proceedings inside the Parliament.

With the Prime Minister ruling out a roll back and the Opposition not willing to lower its stand the issue, the Congress finds itself in a fix and is now seeking the bipartisan support of rival parties and its key allies.

A section of Congress leaders including Chennithala and Sanjay Singh are firmly opposed to allowing FDI in the retail sector as they term it as anti-farmer move, anti-people move.

In a bid to end the deadlock, the government is reportedly mulling to suspend the decision for some time and reduce the extent to which foreign direct investment should be allowed in the retail sector to appease the opposition, which is showing a rare unity on the issue.

Today’s parleys also hold significance as PM Singh yesterday defended the government’s decision to open the retail sector and ruled out a roll back in this regard.

Addressing the national convention of the Congress party’s youth wing, the Prime Minister said that it will create employment opportunities and benefit the country’s economy in the long run.

Singh said, “The present deadlock over the government’s decision to allow FDI in the retail sector is hampering important business in Parliament. We have not taken this decision in haste. It is, in fact, a well calculated decision, which will boost productivity and employment.”

Defending the Cabinet’s decision, Singh said, “It will certainly benefit the economy in the long run.”

Allaying fears that the entry of corporate retail giants will destroy the domestic retail market, the Prime Minister said, “Small retailers need not worry about the entry of global corporate big-wigs since we have also imposed certain safeguards to protect the interest of small retailers at home.”

“After a careful analysis of the retail sector in foreign markets, we are hopeful that both small and big retailers will flourish and prosper at the same time if FDI is allowed in this sector, which will bring latest technology and improve the agriculture sector.”

Making a fresh appeal to the Opposition, Singh said, “All issues of conflicts should be resolved through discussion in Parliament but by stalling the proceedings inside the House, our opponents are cheating the people of India.”

However, he expressed hope that the present impasse will be resolved soon.

Manmohan Singh’s statement holds significance as the all-party meeting convened yesterday ended inconclusively with both the government and the Opposition failing to reach a consensus over the issue.

During the meeting, the Opposition demanded an immediate roll back of the government’s decision on allowing 51% FDI in retail sector and threatened to disrupt the proceedings inside Parliament till the government gives an assurance in this regard.

Delhi Police arrested six suspected terrorists, involved in blast

In a big breakthrough, the Delhi Police are reported to have arrested six suspected terrorists who were involved in various bomb blast and firing cases across the country.

Sources said the six belong to the banned Indian Mujahideen terror group. Two each of the six were arrested from Delhi, Chennai and Bihar.

Reports said the suspects were involved in the February 2010 German Bakery bomb blast in Pune, the firing incident outside Delhi’s Jama Masjid just before the Commonwealth Games in October last year, and the bomb blast outside the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore in April last year.

Sources said the arrests were made in the past couple of days following investigations in Chennai.

According to sources, one Pakistani, Hamid Ansari was arrested from Bihar’s Madhubani where he claimed he had come to meet his jailed son who was under arrest for his involvement in fake currency racket.

Ansari told investigators that he had come to Bihar via Nepal.

Two other suspects were also arrested from Madhubani recently, sources said. Their names are Mohammad Ajmal and Mohammad Jamali.

The duo used to impersonate as street hawkers but were involved with terror groups.

The distance between Madhubani and Nepal border is 112 kilometres and the same has emerged as a terror hub and the biggest transit route for terrorists and contraband.

There are also reports that Pakistan’s notorious intelligence agency, the ISI has been recruiting people from Bihar to carrying out terror activities in India.

So far, there has been no official confirmation of the arrests from the Delhi Police but is expected to be a big breakthrough in cracking several terror-related cases in the country.

Commenting on the arrests, Delhi Police Commissioner BK Gupta only said it is an ongoing operation. “We have got details... will give the details in the afternoon,” Gupta said.

Sources said the police are also close to nabbing five to six more people. Importantly, the Delhi Police have been in pursuit of IM mastermind Taqueer and it is during this hunt and the arrests of six operatives have been made.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Team Anna rejects Parl panel’s Lokpal draft

While stressing that he has not yet seen the Parliamentary Standing Committee’s recommendations on the Lokpal Bill, Arvind Kejriwal said on Tuesday that if the reports about Team Anna’s key demands having been rejected are true then the Centre is clearly going back on its promise.

As per the details available with the press, the committee has recommended keeping the judiciary, MPs' conduct in House and lower bureaucracy out of the Lokpal purview, besides rejecting the demand for hiving off the prosecution wing of CBI to come under its jurisdiction.

“We have not seen the standing committee report but why are the judiciary and the lower bureaucracy being kept out of the purview of the Lokpal?” he questioned.

He said that as per the ‘sense of the house’ resolution passed by the Parliament, the lower bureaucracy had to be kept under the Lokpal.

“Ration theft is being done by group C and D employees, as is also the case with the irregularities in MNREGA…Now they will be free to do corruption. 95% of corruption cases will be out if lower bureaucracy not included,” he said. The panel has favoured the inclusion of Group B, along with Group A officials.

Vis-a-vis Team Anna's demand for scrapping Article 311 of the Constitution that gives protection to government servants against summary dismissal, the draft report favours a "close and careful relook" to ensure major obstacles in taking legitimate departmental action against delinquent officials are eliminated.

The report said bureaucratic corruption has been relatively ignored in the context of excessive media and civil society focus on political corruption, coupled with the doctrine of civil service anonymity, which India imported from the colonial rule.

Speaking to reporters, Kejriwal also added that the non inclusion of the key elements of the Citizen’s Charter is also a U-turn by the government.

In CBI being not brought under the Lokpal, he said, “The country knows how CBI has being misused by political parties to meet political ends,” he said, adding that the government appears unwilling to let go of controlling the CBI.

Besides the above mentioned contentious issues, the draft document has not also taken a position on inclusion of Prime Minister in the ambit of Lokpal. The issue will be considered when the panel meets tomorrow.

Various options, including inclusion of Prime Minister with safeguards and coverage after demitting office, have been suggested.

Kejriwal said, “It (government’s Lokpal Bill) will be an empty tin box.”

The draft report on the bill, which has been circulated to members and would come up for finalisation on tomorrow, favours Lokpal's jurisdiction over corporates, media and NGOs in so far as receipt of donations from public within the country or from foreign sources.

Kejriwal disagreed on this point as well and opined that corruption in media and NGOs should be checked by a different mechanism.

On whether the whole Anna movement is back at square one, Kejriwal was guarded in his response. He said, “Let us wait and watch. It would be immature to comment.

AI crisis: Govt to infuse Rs 6750cr over a 10-year period

Government is considering writing off Rs 4,500 crore cash loss of Air India and infusing additional equity of Rs 6,750 crore over a 10-year period, as lenders of the beleaguered carrier on Monday broadly approved its debt recast plan.

With the go-ahead from the lenders, Civil Aviation Ministry would in the "next few days" start preparing a note for the Cabinet on both counts, official sources said.

At a two-hour meeting with officials of the Civil Aviation Ministry and the national carrier, representatives of a consortium of 14 banks led by SBI approved the debt recast plan, which had got the green signal from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last week, the sources said.

This crucial meeting came a day ahead of the meeting of the Air India Board here.

The total debt of Air India, consisting of aircraft loans and working capital loans aggregate Rs 43,777.01 crore. The working capital loan is Rs 21,511.10 crore while the aircraft loan is Rs 21,412.06 crore, latest figures show.

The approval of the debt restructuring plan would ease the massive debt servicing burden of the troubled airline. The RBI had last Thursday approved the extension of its loan tenures from 10 to 15 years.

The bank representatives are understood to have sought clarifications on certain regulatory issues from the RBI, the sources said, adding that they wanted to become part of a proposed committee to be set up to monitor the implementation of Air India's overall turnaround plan.

Detailed discussions were carried out with the bankers on various aspects of Air India's precarious financial situation, apart from its balance sheet, financial position and future projects, the sources said.

After tomorrow's Board meeting, a Group of Ministers headed by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee would meet. Thereafter, the Cabinet would decide on the crucial issue of infusing fresh equity of Rs 6,750 crore and writing off of cash losses of Rs 4,500 crore, they said.

Under the Rs 18,000 crore Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) proposal, the lenders are to decide on extending the tenure of Rs 11,000 crore short-term loans into long term loans of 15 years and convert Rs 7,000 crore debt into equity.

Air India also owes Rs 2,300 crore to public sector oil marketing companies, Rs 480 crore as interest on working capital loans, Rs 200 crore as interest on aircraft loans, Rs 350 crore towards employees wages, Rs 367 crore to other vendors and Rs 75 crore to airport operators.

The national carrier, under the aegis of SBI Caps, had submitted a restructuring proposal to RBI seeking its permission to extend the loan tenures, among other issues.

The national carrier has registered a loss of Rs 5,548.26 crore during 2008-09, Rs 5,552.44 crore during 2009-2010 and Rs 6,994 crore (provisional) during 2010-11.

Report: S&P may cut France rating outlook to negative

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's could change the outlook for France's triple-A rating to negative within the next 10 days, a French newspaper reported on Monday, citing several sources. Such a move would signal a possible downgrade.

"It could happen within a week, perhaps 10 days," La Tribune quoted a source as saying of a change to the outlook.

The economic and financial daily said on its Web site that S&P had planned to make the announcement last Friday but postponed it for unknown reasons.

The euro briefly dipped on the report, which coincided with news that credit rating agency Moody's could downgrade the subordinated debt of a swathe of euro zone banks.

The euro dipped a third of a cent but quickly recovered to $1.3315 to stand little changed from late in New York on Monday. It had risen more than 1 percent earlier in the day on hopes that European officials would finally make some progress in tackling their debt crisis this week.

France's ratings outlook is currently stable with S&P, but there have been rumors for months of a possible downgrade by one or more of the ratings agencies.

On November 10, Standard & Poor's mistakenly announced it had cut the nation's rating, frightening investors already anxious over Europe's worsening debt crisis.

Pakistani PM Gillani: No more ‘business as usual’ with US

Pakistan's Prime Minister has ruled out ‘business as usual’ with the United States after a NATO attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and the army threatened to curtail cooperation over the war in Afghanistan.

Saturday's incident on Pakistan's border with Afghanistan has complicated US attempts to ease a crisis in relations with Islamabad and stabilize the region before foreign combat troops leave Afghanistan.

"Business as usual will not be there," Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani told when asked if ties with the United States would continue. "We have to have something bigger so as to satisfy my nation."

While the NATO strike has shifted attention from what critics say is Islamabad's failure to go after militants, Gilani's comments reflect the fury of Pakistan's government and military - and the pressure they face from their own people.

"You cannot win any war without the support of the masses," Gilani said. "We need the people with us."

The relationship, he said, would continue only if based on "mutual respect and mutual interest." Asked if Pakistan was receiving that respect, Gilani replied: "At the moment, not."

Gilani's comments cap a day of growing pressure from the Pakistani military, which threatened to reduce cooperation on peace efforts in Afghanistan.

"This could have serious consequences in the level and extent of our cooperation," military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said.

Pakistan has a long history of ties to militant groups in Afghanistan so it is uniquely positioned to help bring about a peace settlement, a top foreign policy and security goal for the Obama administration.

Washington believes Islamabad can play a critical role in efforts to pacify Afghanistan before all NATO combat troops pull out in 2014 and it cannot afford to alienate its ally.

US national security officials met at the White House on Monday to discuss Pakistan following the weekend incident, which prompted Pakistan to shut down NATO supply routes into Afghanistan in retaliation and which was the worst of its kind since Islamabad allied itself with Washington in 2001.

"We have been here before. But this time it's much more serious," said Farzana Sheikh, associate fellow of the Asia program at Chatham House in London.

"The government has taken a very stern view. It's not quite clear at this stage what more Pakistani authorities can do, apart from suspending supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan."

The weekend attack was the latest perceived provocation by the United States, which infuriated and embarrassed Pakistan's powerful military in May with a unilateral special forces raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

On Saturday, NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two military outposts in northwest Pakistan, killing the 24 soldiers and wounding 13, the army said.

NATO described the killings as a "tragic, unintended incident." U.S. officials say a NATO investigation and a separate American one will seek to determine what happened. The U.S. investigation will provide initial findings by December 23, military officials said.

"It is very much in America's national security interest to maintain a cooperative relationship with Pakistan because we have shared interests in the fight against terrorism, and so we will continue to work on that relationship," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.

A Western official and an Afghan security official who requested anonymity said NATO troops were responding to fire from across the border at the time of the incident.

Pakistan's military denied NATO forces had come under fire before launching the attack, saying the strike was unprovoked and reserving the right to retaliate.

Abbas, the military spokesman, said the attack lasted two hours despite warnings from Pakistani border posts.

Famous Assamese writer Indira Goswami died today

Famous Assamese writer Indira Goswami passed away on Today at the age of 70 after suffering a massive cardiac arrest.

The Sahitya Academy and Jnanpith Award winner had been ill for quite some time. She was admitted to the Guwahati Medical College here. Doctors said she died of multiple organ failure at 7.45 a.m. at the Gauhati Medical College Hospital.

Known by her pen name, Mamoni Raisom Goswami, she had been a teacher at the Department of Modern Indian Languages at Delhi University.

Winner of India`s highest literary award Jnanpith, Goswami acted as a facilitator to broker peace between the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and New Delhi. But she gave it up in 2005.

"Her death has created a void in the literary scene in India," Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said.

Is Dhoni joining Bollywood?

Dhoni and wife Sakshi were recently spotted at a special screening of 'Desi Boyz' that John had organized. Rumour mills were abuzz with speculations that the Indian captain might soon make his Bollywood debut. David Dhawan's project 'Hook ya Crook' is still expecting Dhoni's nod.

David Dhawan told the Mumbai Mirror, "We're done with the film, except for the climax, for which we need Dhoni. And John is very keen to get Dhoni on board as well. Why let so much time effort and money go to waste?" Will the busy captain have 15 days to spare for Dhawan's film?

Dhoni is also expected to be present at the pronotional event of the film Y P Singh's 'Kya Yahi Sach Hai'. This film is based on the book 'Carnage by Angels' which exposes corruption in the police force. A family member told Mumbai Mirror, "Despite his extremely busy schedule, when Dhoni received call from Abha Singh, Y P Singh's wife and also the producer of the film, he immediately agreed. He got a call a day after the dramatic test match between India-West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium." When contacted, Abha confirmed the news, adding, "He is a self-made man and a youth icon. Who better than Dhoni to do the honours?"

Today All-party meet on retail FDI underway

An all-party meeting convened by the Centre to end the deadlock over allowing 51% FDI in multi-brand retail began on Today.

Top leaders who are attending the meeting include Sushma Swaraj, LK Advani (BJP), Sharad Pawar (NCP), Sandeep Bandhopadhyay (TMC), Jayant Chowdhary (RLD), Anant Geete, Manohar Joshi (Shiv Sena), Pawan Kumar Bansal, Narayansami, Anand Sharma (Congress), Nageshwar Rao (TDP), Satish Mishra (BSP), Thambidurai, Maitran (AIADMK), T Shiva (DMK).

However, it is still not clear as who is chairing the meeting.

Today’s meeting holds significance as the government is seeking bi-partisan support from Opposition and key allies and try to reach a consensus over allowing FDI in the retail sector.

The government is finding itself in a tight corner on the issue of FDI in retail with allies Trinamool Congress and DMK joining the Opposition in demanding withdrawal of the decision that led to Parliament’s adjournment.

DMK, which joined the Trinamool Congress in opposing the decision, described as "dangerous" allowing FDI in retail trade alleging it will affect lakhs of small traders as well as the poor and middle class consumers.

The two allies with 18 MPs each constitute the largest groups after Congress, which heads the UPA coalition, and have demanded a roll back of the decision immediately.

With the Opposition displaying rare unity against the decision to allow 51 per cent foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail, Leader of the Lok Sabha and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee is also expected to meet floor leaders of political parties in a bid to break the deadlock.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, yesterday met Congress President Sonia Gandhi and held parleys with senior ministers Mukherjee, P Chidambaram, A K Antony and Commerce Minister Anand Sharma in the evening on the strategy the government will adopt when the matter comes for discussion today.

There is also speculation that government might at least put on hold the FDI decision in the interest of functioning of Parliament.

But Parliamentary Affairs Minister P K Bansal said the government is convinced that the FDI decision was in the larger national interest and would benefit every section of society.

Today's meeting has been convened as an effort to talk to the Opposition to ensure that Parliament, which has been paralysed for five days, resumes normal business.

On his part Union Commerce Minister Anand Sharma sought to reach out to Opposition parties by writing a letter to them and appealed to them to rise above "petty partisanship" on the issue.

The entire Opposition, barring BJP ally Akali Dal, put the blame on the government for Parliament's disruption saying they were not consulted on such a vital issue. The unity among the Opposition has also surprised the government.

Notices of adjournment motion on the issue were tabled by leaders of several parties in the Lok Sabha which are under the consideration of Speaker Meira Kumar. Similar notices were also tabled in the Rajya Sabha.

"Scrap the decision by the night. Parliament can function tomorrow," Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj said in a press conference yesterday.

JD(U) leader Sharad Yadav said the Congress took the FDI deliberately to sabotage Parliament at a time when it was scheduled to discuss crucial issues like price rise and black money.

Yadav, who is NDA convener and BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain, said the question of allowing Parliament to function does not not arise till government reverses the decision.

The Opposition has said that the decision would sound the death knell for millions of small traders and cause huge unemployment in the rural areas.

The FDI decision has also met with stiff resistance from Chief Ministers of non-Congress states like Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Orissa and those ruled by BJP.

West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC leader Mamata Banerjee has already said the decision would not be implemented in the state.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Indian link to Pak’s 'Memogate' scandal

Pakistan’s former Chief of Army Staff Gen (Retd) Mirza Aslam Beg has made the ‘Memogate’ scandal even more interesting.

According to Beg, quoted by Pakistan Observer, the ‘Memogate’ scandal would have made Pakistani Army high command as well as ISI liable for the Abbottabad episode. This would have resulted in the removal of the Army and ISI chiefs. Consequentially, a new security team would have been set up and Hussain Haqqani made premier.

Describing the memo as an international conspiracy, General Beg said after Washington and London, New Delhi was a significant link.

General Beg said that after the success of the plan, the targets of Af-Pak policy would have been achieved through safe and secure withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan and imposition of Indian hegemony in the region, Pakistan Observer wrote.

According to Gen Beg, the plan would have helped the US gain access to Pakistan’s nuclear programme, forced Pakistan to change its foreign policy and accept Indian supremacy.

He further opined that the memo was prepared in Washington and it was got written off by Hussain Haqqani from Mansoor Ejaz, the daily said. The duo then reached London to get it approved by British Chief of Staff Sir David Richard and British Defence Secretary. Then the two handed it over to General James Jones in the US to pass it on to Admiral Mike Mullen.

Believing that Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari played no role in the whole episode, Gen Beg revealed that a similar plan was hatched in 1996. Benazir Bhutto had to sacrifice her government as a result of this, he alleged, adding Hussain Haqqani and Mansoor Ejaz were involved that time as well.

Microsoft files patent on monitoring employee behaviour

Microsoft has filed a patent for covering a computer system that can monitor the behaviour of employees while also assigning positive or negative scores to each action.

The patent filing, discovered by GeekWire, could include flagging someone who repeatedly cuts off colleagues during conversations, or raising the alarm over a supervisor who repeatedly bugs underlings during their lunch break, a website reported.

Such scoring would presumably rely upon subjective criteria set by the employer regarding what counts as “good” or “bad” work habits.

The range of possible monitored behaviours includes word phrases, body gestures, and mannerisms “such as wearing dark glasses in a video conference” or “wearing unacceptable clothing to a business meeting”.

In addition to what the existing examples of employee monitoring software can do like tracking websites visited, capturing keystrokes or screenshots on a worker’s computer, Microsoft’s idea would take workplace surveillance another step forward by creating software capable of analysing those human behaviours.

The Microsoft patent idea doesn’t automatically grant power to the boss or the HR department, it also envisions how workers might benefit from such monitoring software by getting feedback about their behaviour directly, so that they could use it as a self-improvement tool.

Diet rich in fruits, grains can boost male fertility

Men who eat plenty of fruits and grains but cut down on their red meat and alcohol intake have higher chances of a successful in-vitro fertilisation, a new study has suggested.

The study revealed that a poor diet and obesity can lower sperm concentration and affect their ability to swim towards an egg.

In the past, female fertility problems have been linked to obesity as well as smoking and drinking, but it was not clear until now if the same applies to men as well.

The latest study of men with partners, who were undergoing a type of fertility treatment, has revealed that those who regularly binged on alcohol and ate poorly were slowed down on the fertility front, the Daily Mail reported.
“The sperm concentration was negatively influenced by body mass index (BMI) and alcohol consumption, and was positively influenced by cereal consumption and the number of meals per day,” lead researcher Edson Borges, from the Fertility-Assisted Fertilization Center in Sao Paolo said.

The Brazilian study involved 250 men with partners who were undergoing a type of fertility treatment called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Each participant was asked how often they ate a range of foods, including fruits and vegetables, beans, grains, meat and fish, as well as how much they drank and smoked.

Semen samples were then examined to assess sperm health and concentration and each couple were monitored during the IVF process.

The study revealed that eggs were successfully fertilised in about three-quarters of the treatments, but just fewer than forty per cent of women got pregnant.

From the speed of their sperm to their partner’s chance of pregnancy, men who drank and had a poor diet were less fertile.

Sensex regained the 16,000 points level today

The BSE benchmark Sensex regained the 16,000 points level in early trade today, surging by 301 points on fresh buying in metal, realty, power, capital goods, FMCG and banking stocks in view of a firming trend in Asian markets.
The BSE benchmark Sensex resumed higher at 15,890.80 points and shot up further to an early high of 16,016.52 before quoting at 15,996.06 at 1015 hours, a net gain of 300.63 points, or 1.92 percent, from last weekend's close.
The NSE's 50-share Nifty index also moved up by 86.60 points, or 1.84 percent, to 4,796.65 at 1015 hours.
The market breadth was strong and all 13 sectoral indices on the BSE were trading in the green. Index heavyweight Reliance Industries (RIL) edged higher in early trade. Metal stocks also gained as global commodity prices rose. All the shares in the 30-member Sensex pack were trading higher.
The major gainers in early trade were Hindalco Industries (up 4.14 percent), Tata Motors (3.38 percent), Sterlite Industries (3.10 percent), BHEL (3.02 percent) and DLF (2.97 percent).
Meanwhile, Asian shares shot up in early trade as investors reacted to reports of steps being taken by European governments and international agencies to get a grip on the euro zone debt crisis.
The key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan were up by between 0.13 percent and 1.79 percent.

Voters queue in Egypt's first post-Mubarak polls

Egyptians queued up to vote on Monday in the first big test of a transition born in popular revolutionary euphoria that soured into distrust of the generals who replaced their master, Hosni Mubarak.

In the nine months since a revolt ended the ex-president's 30-year rule, political change in Egypt has faltered, with the military apparently more focused on preserving its power and privilege than on fostering any democratic transformation.

Frustration erupted last week into bloody protests that cost 42 lives and forced the Army council to promise civilian rule by July after the parliamentary vote and a presidential poll, now expected in June, much sooner than previously envisaged.

At least 1,000 people were queuing outside one polling station in the central Cairo district of Zamalek when voting started at 8 am (0600 GMT). The line stretched around the block. Posters of candidates and parties festooned the street.

Many parties have been set up in recent months after Mubarak's ouster. Under the former president, polls were routinely rigged and his National Democratic Party repeatedly secured sweeping majorities in Parliament.

The first phase of voting on Monday and Tuesday includes Cairo and Alexandria. The staggered voting system means the election to the lower house will not be completed till January 11. Voters pick a mixture of party lists and individual candidates.

Oppressed under Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties stood aloof from those challenging Army rule, unwilling to let anything obstruct elections that may open a route to political power previously beyond their reach.

It is not clear whether voters will punish them for that or whether the Brotherhood's disciplined organisation will enable its newly formed Freedom and Justice Party to triumph over the welter of lesser-known parties and individuals in the race.

A high turnout among Egypt's 50 million eligible voters could throw up surprises, perhaps revealing whether a silent majority favours stability or the radical overhaul demanded by the youthful protesters who overthrew Mubarak.

War over FDI in retail in Parliament

For Parliament, its day at work ended by noon. Both houses were adjourned till tomorrow - a consequence of the stand-off between the opposition and the government over the latter's decision to increase Foreign Direct Investment or FDI in the retail sector.

The opposition wants to discuss the government's decision under an adjournment motion - which would end with a vote. The government has rejected this - it wants a debate, but no vote.

Sharad Yadav of the Janata Dal says he will ensure Parliament does not function till the government withdraws its decision to allow 51% FDI in the multi-brand retail sector, a move that would allow giants like Walmart and Tesco to set up shop in India.

The list of parties and states attacking the move to increase FDI in retail is embarrassing for the government - some of its most important allies like Mamata Banerjee have expressed their dissent; so has the Congress party's branch in Kerala. And today, DMK chief M Karunanidhi, also a senior member of the UPA with 16 Lok Sabha MPs, asked the government to reverse its decision.

An adjournment motion allows a member of the House to ask that regular business be suspended to discuss an urgent matter of public interest.  It includes a debate and ends with a vote that tests the government's strength. The opposition's insistence on a vote is seen as a pressure tactic - what it really wants is for the government to put its decisions on retail on hold till the matter is extensively debated in Parliament. 

In the Rajya Sabha, Jayalalithaa's party, the AIADMK, moved a notice for an adjournment motion. Senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi had planned a similar course of action for the Lok Sabha. The BJP's Arun Jaitley told an hour before Parliament opened that, "FDI will hurt Indian economy...The sense in the country is against FDI...Government's decision on FDI will have a political fallout."

And Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi confirmed his presence on a long list of chief ministers who are fighting the government over FDI in the multi-brand sector on the grounds that it will wipe out lakhs of small mom-and-pop stores. "My stand is the same as that of my party BJP & which is in the interest of the nation," Mr Modi tweeted this morning.

Yesterday, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj had tweeted, "Parliament is in session and Government announced a decision of such far reaching consequences outside Parliament. It is a contempt of the House."

Unlike last week, when the UPA government managed to avoid an adjournment motion over the issue of black money as demanded by the BJP, this time it wouldn't be smooth sailing. Sources in the BJP have told that since the government did not admit the adjournment motion on black money on technical grounds, there is no reason why they can't bring one on FDI. Sources also say that if the government rejects the current motion arguing that the one on black money had already been proposed, the BJP is also considering a no-confidence motion.

The government has real cause for concern given the fact that the BJP has found backers over the FDI issue in AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee and BSP chief Mayawati - the three women chief ministers of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.

Mamata Banerjee is a UPA ally and has partymen as important ministers at the Centre. But she does not support FDI in the retail sector. "Some people can support 51 per cent FDI in retail but I do not support it. You see, America is America, Bangladesh is Bangladesh, Pakistan is Pakistan and India is India. I have to take into account how much capacity I have, how much is my ability. There are so many shops here. If these shops close what would the shop owners eat?" the Trinamool Congress chief said.

Nearer home in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati, at a Dalit rally on Sunday, used the FDI issue to target Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi. "To please the yuvraj, the FDI in retail has been allowed to benefit his foreign friends," she had said.

The war cry from the three women Chief Ministers indicates that the implementation of FDI in states will be difficult. Even in Congress-ruled Kerala, the state party chief Ramesh Chennithala has written to the PM opposing the move.

Opposition, allies, reluctance even at home. But the UPA government is not blinking. It shrugs off the Opposition's charge that it was not consulted.

"Privately, many members of different political parties including the BJP have been talking to us. And they have all been saying privately please do it. Why are you waiting? It doesn't require Parliament sanction. Why don't you do it? And now they stand up and do this," Law minister Salman Khursheed said.

Federer beats Tsonga to win 6th ATP finals title

Roger Federer wasn`t about to let Jo-Wilfried Tsonga pull off another improbable comeback. After a year that saw some uncharacteristic slip-ups from Federer in big matches, the Swiss star shrugged off a second-set letdown to beat Tsonga 6-3, 6-7 (6), 6-3 for a record sixth title in the ATP World Tour Finals.

"I know it`s one of my greatest accomplishments," Federer said. "This definitely is an amazing finish again to the season. I`ve never finished so strong."

Federer was by far the most impressive player this whole week at the season-ending event for the top eight players in the world, where his three group-stage victories included his most comprehensive win ever over Rafael Nadal, beating the Spaniard 6-3, 6-0 on Tuesday.

But he looked in danger of faltering against Tsonga when he failed to serve out the match at 5-4 in the second set and then wasted a match point in the tiebreaker.

But Tsonga, who became the first player to rally from a two-set deficit to beat Federer in a Grand Slam tournament in this year`s Wimbledon quarterfinals, couldn`t pull off another surprise this time.

Playing in his 100th career final, Federer broke for a 5-3 lead in the decider and served out the match to love, sealing his 70th career title with an easy volley.

Federer finished the season without a Grand Slam title for the first time since 2002, after also wasting a two-set lead against Novak Djokovic in the US Open semifinals — where the top-ranked Serb saved two match points in the fifth set.

Federer took a six-week break shortly after that — in part, he said, to sort out his head after those losses to Tsonga and Djokovic.

The break seems to have worked, as Federer is undefeated since that U.S. Open loss, and finished the year with a 17-match winning streak following titles in Basel and Paris before coming to London.

While Nadal and Djokovic both lost twice to be eliminated in the group stage, Federer played some of his best tennis of the year and beat David Ferrer in the semifinals without facing a break point.

"He`s the best player indoors for the moment," Tsonga said. "He`s maybe the best player ever, because he`s really quick. He`s playing well. That`s it."

The capacity crowd for the final included Pippa Middleton, Cristiano Ronaldo and London Mayor Boris Johnson — who was initially cheered when showed on the big screen but received boos when he and his party were late to return to their seats after a changeover, holding up play as Tsonga was about to serve at 2-1 in the third set.

Tsonga said he wasn`t bothered by the interruption.

"It happens all the time," he said. "That`s no problem."

It was the third Sunday in a row that featured a meeting between these two players, as Federer beat Tsonga in the Paris final two weeks ago and again in their first round-robin match in London last weekend.

The third win proved the hardest for Federer.

The Swiss star looked headed for a fairly routine victory after breaking for a 3-2 lead in the second set, hitting a forehand return winner on the line. But he faltered when serving at 5-4, going down 0-40 before Tsonga converted his third breakpoint with a volley winner.

In the tiebreaker, Federer led 5-2 and then held a match point at 6-5, but Tsonga saved it with a forehand winner before ripping a scorching forehand return on his first set point to level the match at 1-1.

Federer`s victory means he surpassed Ivan Lendl and Pete Sampras, who both won five titles at the season-ending event, previously known as the Masters Cup.

"I still don`t feel like I`m better than Pete Sampras, or Lendl for that matter," Federer said. "I still believe they are (two) of the all time greats to play the game. I`m just happy to be compared to them.

PM, Sonia to attend Youth Cong meet today

After successfully carrying out elections for the first time in the Youth Congress, Rahul Gandhi will address to the Gen Next party activists on Monday.

Rahul will speak to the newly-elected office bearers of the Youth Congress here at the first-ever convention of the body in the backdrop of Assembly polls to five states, including Uttar Pradesh.

Gandhi will be inaugurating the convention of the 8,000- odd elected members from across the country at a time when the UPA-II has just completed its mid-term and is poised for future challenges.

The two-day convention beginning today is also being addressed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi during the valedictory session on Tuesday. They are expected to touch upon the current political issues during their speech.

The convention titled 'Buniyaad' (foundation) is the first major programme of the party after Rahul Gandhi started playing a larger role in the organisation in the wake of his mother's illness.

In fact, the convention is the brainchild of Rahul, the General Secretary in-charge of Youth Congress, who has been insisting that all office bearers should be called to the capital for a discussion with senior leaders and among themselves.

The two-day convention at Japanese Park, first of its kind in the history of Youth Congress, comes ahead of Assembly Elections to five states, including the politically-crucial Uttar Pradesh, where Gandhi is leading the campaign charge.

"All the 8,000 people who will be participating in the convention have been democratically-elected by Youth Congress workers. The conference has been convened so that they get a forum to discuss the political situation and other issues as a group," a close aide of Gandhi told reporters

The aide, who has been involved in Youth Congress activities for the past 10 years, said the office-bearers would also be told about the political stand of the party on various issues.

"Youth Congress office-bearers from all states would be represented at the conference. So they will get a chance to interact among themselves. He (Rahul) wanted such a convention," he said.

Senior Ministers like Pranab Mukherjee, A K Antony, Mukul Wasnik and Jairam Ramesh are also expected to address the convention and impart lessons to the office-bearers, sources said.

Rahul has been personally touring the country and conducting membership drives to strengthen the party's youth wing. He has also brought in election system to elect office bearers and Presidents of state Youth Congress units.

This is the first time that such a convention of the Youth Congress will be held, the sources said, adding that the idea was mooted by Rahul.

The convention is likely to adopt resolutions on pressing issues like inflation, the sources said.

Pakistani Army do not accept NATO’s apology

Pakistani Army on Monday said that it does not accept NATO apology for a cross-border air attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Expressing its disgust over the whole incident, Pakistani Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas warned that NATO’s action could lead to serious consequences.

According to Geo News, Abbas said NATO’s apology is not enough.

Fury spread in Pakistan on Sunday over the attack that could undermine the US effort to wind up the war in Afghanistan.

NATO described the killings as a "tragic unintended incident" and said an investigation was underway. A Western official and an Afghan security official who requested anonymity said NATO troops were responding to fire from across the border.

It's possible both explanations are correct: that a retaliatory attack by NATO troops took a tragic, mistaken turn in harsh terrain where identifying friend and foe can be difficult.

"All of this is extremely murky and needs to be investigated," said a US official in Washington, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Our goal today is ... that the investigation gets mounted in a way that is confidence-building on all sides."

Militants often attack from Pakistani soil or flee after combat across a porous border that NATO-led troops, under their United Nations mandate, cannot cross.

What is clear is the incident could undermine US efforts to improve ties with Pakistan so that the regional power helps stabilise Afghanistan before NATO combat troops go home by the end of 2014.

The attack was the latest perceived provocation by the United States, which infuriated Pakistan's powerful military with a unilateral special forces raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May.

Delhi High Court grants bail to Sukhram

Delhi High Court on Monday granted bail to former telecom minister Sukhram, presently lodged in Tihar jail for taking Rs 3 lakh as bribe to award a lucrative contract to a private firm in 1996.

The court, while granting bail to Sukhram on medical grounds, directed him to furnish a surety of Rs ten lakhs each prior to his release.

Sukhram had applied for bail on November 23 and challenged his conviction and five-year jail term.

A trial court had earlier convicted 84-year-old Sukhram for misusing his official position when he was in the PV Narasimha Rao cabinet in 1996.

Sukhram was alleged to have been giving undue favour to a cable supply company in 1996.

The CBI, in its charge sheet filed in 1998, had accused Sukhram and another person of allegedly showing undue favour in supply of excess quantity of cable and acceptance of Rs 3 lakh.

In 2009, Sukhram was held guilty of possessing disproportionate assets worth Rs.4.25 crore.

In 2002, he was awarded a three-year jail term under the Prevention of Corruption Act in an equipment supply case for causing a loss of Rs.1.66 crore to the state exchequer. He had allegedly caused undue benefits to Rama Rao, managing director of Hyderabad-based Advance Radio Masts.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

FDI in retail: Domestic retailers not worried about foreign competition

Foreign direct investments or not, homegrown retailers are convinced that their business will go on as usual, confident that global players will find it tough to catch up with them.

Some of the domestic biggies like Future Group, Reliance Retail and Aditya Birla Retail, while welcoming the government's move to allow 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail and completely open single-brand retail, said it will take time for foreign rivals to make presence felt on their own in the Indian retail landscape.

"In case of multi-brand, we have learnt a lot in the last five years and are very confident of continuing on our own without partnering a foreign player," Reliance Retail President (Lifestyle) Bijou Kurien told PTI.

On the impact of the government's decision on India's retail sector, he said: "Nothing will change overnight. It will require a lot of time and effort for foreign retailers to set up strong base here."

Undeterred by the prospect of competition from foreign retailers, Future Group CEO Kishore Biyani told ET Now: "We are well placed. Competition (foreign retailers) should we worried about us rather than we worrying about competition."

He said the Future Group has the first mover advantage. "We are reasonably ahead in the race. Even if the sector is opened to FDI, it will be a slow start for anybody who comes in now as it is very difficult for anybody to grow organically," Biyani said.

Similarly, Aditya Birla Retail Ltd Chief Executive Officer Thomas Varghese said: "We are not discussing with any foreign retailer or any kind of partnership. We will take it as it comes."

Reliance Retail, a part of Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd, currently operates over 1,000 retail outlets in about 20 categories including food grocery, apparel, jewellery, electronics, footwear, electronics and others.

The company that has partnerships with a host of international single brands, also operates supermarkets and hypermarkets. It plans to operate 4,000 stores by 2015

Future Group, on the other hand has presence in 85 cities and 60 rural locations across the country with cover around 15 million square feet of retail space. The stores attract around 220 million customers each year, according to the company's website.

Aditya Birla Retail plans to invest about Rs 1,500 crore in the next five years as it looks to expand its hypermarket and supermarket stores under More brand. Currently the company has 12 hypermarkets and 590 supermarkets.

As per FICCI estimates, the Indian retail sector is currently pegged at around USD 600 billion, with modern retail accounting for about 5 per cent.

Mayawati: FDI decision taken to help Rahul's foreign friends

Slamming the Centre for its decision to allow Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail sector, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has appealed to the government to roll back the decision.

Taking the war of wards between her and Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi even further, Mayawati said that the decision on FDI has been taken to help Rahul's foreign friends.

"Rahul Gandhi has always stayed abroad and earlier he used to get his foreign friends to stay in the houses of poor people in Uttar Pradesh, make fun of poverty and now they are getting foreign companies into India," Mayawati said.

She claimed that the government allowed FDI in spite of objection from its allies. "The decision to allow FDI in retail is suicidal and will affect small businesses, poor and farmers," she said.

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister also made it clear that she will not let foreign companies to do business in the state till the BSP government is in the state.

Warning the government, Mayawati said, "We will take a strong stand aganist the Congress if the government does not take a decision to roll back FDI in retail."

The Union Cabinet on Thursday cleared 50 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail and 100 per cent FDI in single brand retail despite division within the UPA on the issue.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Left, UPA ally Trinamool Congress along with some Cabinet ministers Veerappa Moily and Mukul Wasnik had opposed it.

While the BJP feels that the FDI will lead to unemployment, the Left has said that it may lead to price rise.

Global stocks end worst week in 2 mos

US stocks fell for a seventh straight session on Friday, leading global equity markets to their worst week in two months on fear that Europe's debt crisis is dragging on without a credible solution.

The euro hit a seven-week low against the dollar and looked set to weaken further as Italy's borrowing costs spiraled and Belgium's credit rating was downgraded. The dollar also climbed to a near eight-month high against the Swiss franc.

On Wall Street, stocks traded higher for most of an abbreviated session on hopes that "Black Friday," the traditional start of the US holiday shopping season, would support major retailers. But negative headlines out of Europe forced the market to concede gains just before the close.

Fewer participants in US markets after Thursday's Thanksgiving holiday also made it difficult to counter the move lower. Stocks in Europe and other major exchanges also suffered their worst week in two months, although European shares ended the day up following Wall Street's initial bounce.

Investors' worries intensified after reports that Greece was demanding harsh conditions from creditors on a proposed bond swap -- critical to reduce its debt and save the euro.

Banks represented by the Institute of International Finance agreed last month to write off the notional value of their Greek bondholdings by 50 percent to reduce Greece's debt ratio to 120 percent of its gross domestic product by 2020.

But Greece was demanding that its new bonds' net present value -- a measure of the current worth of future cash flows -- be cut to 25 percent, a far harsher measure than a number in the high 40s that banks had in mind, according to people briefed on the matter.

Greece aside, Belgium also made it to investors' watch-list after Standard & Poors downgraded the country's credit rating to AA from AA-plus, citing concerns about funding and market pressures.

A European Union conference in Strasbourg produced little to soothe the markets' fears. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after talks with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti on Thursday, agreed only to stop bickering in public over whether the European Central Bank should do more to resolve the crisis.

"The markets are going to continue to pressure the EU until they come up with a solution that is going to ease the crisis," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Rockwell Global Capital in New York.

For the week, the S&P was down 4.7 percent.

Commodities also fell broadly, except for US crude oil , which rose on the early strength in equities and stayed up even after stocks fell.

European stocks ended higher after falling in six previous sessions. The FTSEurofirst 300 index of top European was up 0.94 percent on the day but ended the week 4.6 percent lower.

Italian two-year government bond yields rose above 8 percent while the interest rate premium investors charge Italy to borrow over 10 years compared with equivalent German debt continued to rise despite reported buying by the European Central Bank.

World stocks, indicated by the MSCI All-World index were down half a percent on the day and down 5.3 percent on the week.

Idea launches cheaper 3G smartphones

Idea Cellular announced on Wednesday the launch of two Smartphones, priced at Rs 5,850 ($112) and Rs 7,992 (US$ 153) with the intention of making 3G smartphones more affordable to help 3G uptake.

The touch-screen smartphones would be based on the Android 2.2 operating system, sourced from Chinese firms Huawei and ZTE.

Himanshu Kapania, MD, Idea Cellular said, "we are the launching the Idea 3G smartphone range. We plan to expand our 3G presence in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, in all targetting 10 thousand towns."

He expects that reasonable pricing would be the key for acceptance, as it broke the price barrier of Rs 5,850.

The Company, which has made Rs 10,000 crore investment in the 3G space, intends to bundle data services worth Rs 3,500 as an introductory offer with a Rs 259 pack.

It also said that it is ascertaining if it can enter the tablet PC market.

UK based company has invented a water-powered radio

A UK based company has invented a radio that is powered by the motion of water flowing into a shower.

The H20 water-powered radio, manufactured by Tango Group, clips onto the water pipe that runs up to a shower head.

The radio uses micro turbine technology and is powered by the water pressure running up a pipe.

“The radio runs on energy generated solely through the flow of water, starting as the shower is turned on. It harnesses power that would otherwise literally go straight down the drain,” the telegraph quoted a spokesman for Tango Group as saying.

Tango hopes that the waterproof radio will enjoy the same success as the Wind-Up Radio.

The H20 was invented by Vivian Black, a former director of Freeplay Energy Group, which helped turn Trevor Baylis’s Wind-UP Radio into a commercial success in the 1990s.

"Having seen huge success with the commercialisation of the Wind-Up Radio, we were constantly looking into new ways that further innovations in the radio sector could be made,” Black said.

“Creating the now-patented micro turbine technology, that allows the radio to operate solely through the flow of water, was the key to our new innovation; and thus the world’s first water-powered shower radio was created,” he added.

`Virasat-e-Khalsa` opened at Anandpur Sahib

A masterpiece of rich Sikh culture and religious history, the `Virasat-e-Khalsa` was Friday dedicated to the nation in this Sikh holy city amidst an elaborate religious ceremony here.

The Rs.300 crore project was opened by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal in the presence of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Nitin Gadkari, Art of Living founder Ravi Shankar and others.

Conceived as a repository of the rich heritage of the `Khalsa`, showcasing the history and culture of Punjab, the heritage complex has been built to emphasize the eternal message of the Sikh gurus.

Called the Khalsa Heritage Complex (KHC), it is touted as a landmark monument of one of the youngest religions in the world.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was invited by Badal to inaugurate the monument but the move ran into a controversy after state Congress leaders alleged that the monument had already been inaugurated in 2006 and that the prime minister should not come to re-inaugurate it.

The project, announced in April 1999, was originally expected to be completed by September 2004 to coincide with the celebrations of the 400th year of the Golden Temple.

In December last year, the Punjab government set the "final" deadline for July 30 this year but even that was missed by the authorities.

The monument inaugurated Friday is only the first phase of the whole KHC complex.

Boston-based Israeli-architect Moshe Safdie has designed the complex, which is shaped like open hands offering prayers. The monument is termed as a "wonder in the making".

Being built on a 100-acre site at Anandpur Sahib, 85 km from Chandigarh, KHC stands at a site that is the birthplace of the Khalsa Panth, the present day Sikh religion. The second holiest Sikh shrine, Takht Keshgarh Sahib, is located here.

It was here in 1699, on the day of Baisakhi, that the 10th Sikh master, Guru Gobind Singh, founded the Khalsa Panth and baptized the `Panj Piaras` (the first five baptized Sikhs known to be the loved ones of the guru).

India-China boundary talks deferred

India and China have postponed the 15th round of boundary talks between their special representatives, which were expected to be held here next week.

The talks were tentatively planned for November 28-29. No reasons have been ascribed for the deferment.

China's Special Representative Dai Bingguo was expected to travel to New Delhi for talks with National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon, India's chief points-person for the boundary talks.

"We are looking forward to the 15th round of Special Representative talks in the near future and the two sides remain in touch to find convenient dates for the meeting," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said. He was responding to questions on the dates of the boundary talks.

When the talks will be held, the focus will be on firming up a framework for resolving the decades-old boundary dispute, the second and crucial stage that could form the basis for the final demarcation of the boundary and territorial give and take implicit in any final deal.

The second stage is the "hardest part" of negotiations, informed sources said.

The two sides are expected to fast-track a joint border mechanism during the talks.

The 14th round of SR talks was held in Beijing last November.

The boundary dispute was among a host of issues that figured in discussions between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on the margins of the East Asia Summit in Bali on November 18.

NATO attacked kills eight Pakistan troops

NATO helicopters from Afghanistan intruded into northwest Pakistan and attacked a military check post near the border on Saturday, killing eight troops and wounding four, Pakistani intelligence officials said.

The attack comes as relations between the United States and Pakistan, its ally in the war on terror, are already strained following the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by US special forces in a secret raid on the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad in May.

A Pakistani military spokesman confirmed the pre-dawn attack in the tribal region of Mohmand and said casualties had been reported, but gave no details.

"NATO helicopters carried out an unprovoked and indiscriminate firing on a Pakistani check post in Mohmand agency, casualties have been reported and details are awaited," the spokesman said.

Two intelligence officials in the region said that eight Pakistani troops had been killed and four wounded in the attack on the Salala check post, about 2.5 km from the Afghan border.

The attack took place around 02:00 am (2100 GMT) in the Baizai area of Mohmand, where Pakistani troops are engaged in fighting Taliban militants.

A spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Kabul said the coalition there was aware of "an incident" and was gathering more information.

India to Pak: Provide justice to 26/11 victims

On the third anniversary of the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks, India on Saturday once again urged Pakistan on providing speedy justice to the victims to the deadly strikes.

Addressing a press conference, External Affairs Minister SM Krishna called on Pakistan to bring perpetrators of 26/11 attacks to justice, adding the evidence so far provided to Islamabad was sufficient for civil courts.

Krishna told, "We are still waiting for Pakistan to act decisively to bring to justice the perpetrators of the mindless violence that was unleashed on Mumbai. We are still waiting."

"I think the evidence provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs would be sufficient for any normal civilian court to prosecute the people involved in the conspiracy and the perpetrators of this crime," Krishna said.

"I once again call on our neighbour to bring the perpetrators of the crime to speedy justice," he said.

There can be no selective fight against terrorism, Krishna underlined.

"The scourge of terrorism has to be comprehensively fought and eradicated in all its forms and manifestations," he said.

The minister reminded Pakistan that there was no place for use of terror as state policy, adding it is self-destructive.

He said issues have to be resolved through peaceful dialogue and in an atmosphere free from terror and violence.

On the issue of a Pakistani judicial commission visiting India, Krishna said the modalities for the same were being worked out.

"It has been agreed in principle. Let us wait for the dates," he said.

Krishna said India was committed to having a peaceful, friendly and cooperative relationship with all its neighbours for progress and prosperity in the region.

"We call upon all our neighbours to join us in this endeavour of building a better future for our peoples," he said.

Krishna also paid homage to the victims and martyrs of the terror attacks in Mumbai.

"I join my countrymen in paying respectful homage to the innocent men, women and children whose lives were most tragically snuffed out by the inhuman act of terrorism, inspired and carried out from across our borders, three year ago, on this day, in Mumbai," he said.

"We also salute the courage and fortitude of the families who lost their loved ones in that senseless act of violence," he said.

Nation remembers victims of 26/11 terror attacks today

India paid homage to the victims and martyrs of the 26/11 terror attacks on its third anniversary here on today.

Maharashtra Governor K Sankaranarayanan laid a wreath at the 26/11 memorial at the Police Gymkhana on Marine Drive in South Mumbai.

He was followed by Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, state Home Minister RR Patil, top police and civil officials.

Later, the family members of many of the policemen who were martyred while battling the terrorists, also laid wreaths at the memorial.

Thousands of commuters on the Central Railway paused briefly at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), one of the sites targeted by 10 Pakistani terrorists in 2008.

Some kept flowers in memory of the commuters killed by the terrorists, who sneaked into the city unhindered through the Arabian Sea and created mayhem in the city.

Similar homage functions were held at the Hotel Taj Mahal, Hotel Trident, Nariman House, Cama Hospital and at Chowpatty - the last being the venue where brave policeman Tukaram Ombale managed to catch one of the terrorists - Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab - alive.

Ombale was killed in the process.

The terror attacks left 166 dead, including several security personnel and foreigners besides over 300 people injured.