Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi began a day-long fast on Friday in Godhra as part of his ‘Sadbhavna Mission’ aimed at building bridges between all communities and strengthening peace and harmony.
Modi arrived here today morning from Ahmedabad and directly proceeded to the fast venue. As per reports, around 8000 people are sitting on fast with him.
The Sadbhavna Mission has travelled through many cities in the state after it was launched in Ahmedabad on September 17. But its Godhra stop is the most significant as the town was at epicentre of the communal riots that had engulfed the state in 2002.
Timing is also important as the fast comes nearly a month before the 10th anniversary of Godhra carnage where 59 people, mostly karsevaks, were killed when the Sabarmati Express train was burnt on February 27, 2002. The fire from Godhra had spread to other parts of the state leading to the death of hundreds of people.
Considering the sensitive equations in the town, the state government has not taking any chances and deployed over 15000 policemen in and around the fast venue.
Local BJP leaders said that a crowd of over 50,000 was expected.
Meanwhile, state Congress leader and some NGOs have also begun a parallel fast near Modi’s fast venue to protest against his fast.
Modi arrived here today morning from Ahmedabad and directly proceeded to the fast venue. As per reports, around 8000 people are sitting on fast with him.
The Sadbhavna Mission has travelled through many cities in the state after it was launched in Ahmedabad on September 17. But its Godhra stop is the most significant as the town was at epicentre of the communal riots that had engulfed the state in 2002.
Timing is also important as the fast comes nearly a month before the 10th anniversary of Godhra carnage where 59 people, mostly karsevaks, were killed when the Sabarmati Express train was burnt on February 27, 2002. The fire from Godhra had spread to other parts of the state leading to the death of hundreds of people.
Considering the sensitive equations in the town, the state government has not taking any chances and deployed over 15000 policemen in and around the fast venue.
Local BJP leaders said that a crowd of over 50,000 was expected.
Meanwhile, state Congress leader and some NGOs have also begun a parallel fast near Modi’s fast venue to protest against his fast.
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