The three Khans of Bollywood not only rule the Indian box-office, they are also the kings of Pakistan. Aamir Khan's 3 Idiots collected Rs 5 crore across the border and the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer My Name Is Khan raked in Rs 5.25 crore. The Salman Khan-starrer Bodyguard outdid them both by earning Rs 6 crore. Another Shah Rukh-starrer, Don 2, meanwhile, is expected to pull in Rs 7.25 crore. In fact, some experts say Pakistan is now one of Bollywood's top five overseas markets and could soon rival the business done in Australia.
The ban on Indian films was lifted across the border in 2006, but things began really hotting up a year later. Riffat Siddiqi, a well-known distributor in Pakistan, said, "From the time the market opened up in 2007, Indian films became the source for rebuilding cinema in the country. Within just four years, the entertainment business grew by 300% at the box office."
Bollywood can't ignore Pakistan now as an overseas market. Trade pundits said the business pattern in Pakistan is similar to that of the Punjab territory in India.
About 50 Hindi films release in Pakistan now every year and the big ones have the ability to do business of US $1 million (Rs 4 crore to 5 crore) or more, said Pakistani sources. All the top Khan films are sold for $200,000 to $300,000 (Rs 1 crore to 1.5 crore). Hrithik Roshan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Kumar films go for $75,000 to $150,000 (Rs 37.5 lakh to 75 lakh), said experts.
India-based Amrita Pandey, of UTV Motion Pictures, said, "I think the growth has been significant -- from no release before 2007 to now, where the box office gross for an average film is $400,000 (Rs 2 crore). With 50 Hindi films releasing there every year, Pakistan figures in the top five of the international markets."
Pakistan's film industry was able to release only 10 films last year, but there is a chance these numbers will go up. Pakistani film producer Sevy Ali said, "The government has made it mandatory for every mall that is being built to have a multiplex, which will help the business of cinema grow. We only released 10 films last year, but this year there will be 20." Incidentally, late last year there were calls from within the Pakistani film industry and media to ban Indian films so that local efforts would get a boost.
Indian film producers have to look for partners outside the country to get their films into Pakistan. India-based Vikas Mohan, vice president of the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Programme Producers, said, "Production house are releasing their films through partners in Dubai or London. Pakistan is capable of being a territory that can generate a revenue of up to Rs 15 crore for any big film. Unfortunately, there are still unresolved issues which deprive both sides from benefitting from the business of cinema."
In the past year, the increase in multiplexes and introduction of digital cinema has boosted the business. Nadeem Mandviwalla, of Mandviwalla Entertainment in Pakistan, said, "Digital cinema boosted the film exhibition business in Pakistan with the release of 'Ra-One' and 'Don 2'. 'Don 2's' opening week was better than other films with a business of nearly Rs 4 crore."
Earlier, Indian films were sold in Pakistan for only a few lakhs, but now the price of big films has jumped by more than 40%. Pakistani film distributor Amjad Rashid, currently in India to buy films, said, "Today, the price for Salman Khan films is the highest in Pakistan. Shah Rukh Khan's latest release, 'Don 2', has done record business at the box office. The buying of their films is likely to double this year."
Bollywood's official foray into Pakistan may have been a recent occurrence, but despite the over 40-year ban, Bollywood, its icons, its music and its dancing have always remained an integral part of life in Pakistan. Yusra Askari, a mediaperson in Lahore, said, "Bollywood's impact appears everywhere, from the mainstay of a Pakistani wedding to street lingo." She added. "In the past decade, Bollywood-based artistic exchanges between India and Pakistan have initiated increased cultural interaction between the two countries. Bollywood has not only gained a huge fan following in Pakistan, it has often attracted aspirants and sometimes even Pakistani cricketing icons try their luck at filmdom."
Despite an increased cultural dialogue between Islamabad and Delhi, visas to travel to India may be still hard to come by for the average Pakistani, Askari added. "Nevertheless, Pakistanis can always rely on Bollywood cinema to bring home a slice of Mumbai magic," she said. Currently about half-a-dozen actors and singers work in Bollywood films.
Rashid said, "We have only been importing films. It is high time we started exporting Pakistani television serials, which are very popular, and also the music, a high point of Pakistani culture. I feel there is a need for India to do business with Pakistan and there should be relaxations in granting visas to artistes."
Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, considered a cultural ambassador, added, "There is abundant talent in Pakistan crying to be discovered. Indian cinema is moving from strength to strength. We can add new colour to our products by taking fresh talent from Pakistan. We both stand to benefit if we partner one another and make a co-production."
But there is also an opinion that the presence of Pakistani artistes won't really help a film. Producer Ali said, "Pakistanis want to see the Khans or maybe an Akshay Kumar or Hrithik Roshan. A Pakistani actor is a novelty in India, not in Pakistan."
The ban on Indian films was lifted across the border in 2006, but things began really hotting up a year later. Riffat Siddiqi, a well-known distributor in Pakistan, said, "From the time the market opened up in 2007, Indian films became the source for rebuilding cinema in the country. Within just four years, the entertainment business grew by 300% at the box office."
Bollywood can't ignore Pakistan now as an overseas market. Trade pundits said the business pattern in Pakistan is similar to that of the Punjab territory in India.
About 50 Hindi films release in Pakistan now every year and the big ones have the ability to do business of US $1 million (Rs 4 crore to 5 crore) or more, said Pakistani sources. All the top Khan films are sold for $200,000 to $300,000 (Rs 1 crore to 1.5 crore). Hrithik Roshan, Saif Ali Khan and Akshay Kumar films go for $75,000 to $150,000 (Rs 37.5 lakh to 75 lakh), said experts.
India-based Amrita Pandey, of UTV Motion Pictures, said, "I think the growth has been significant -- from no release before 2007 to now, where the box office gross for an average film is $400,000 (Rs 2 crore). With 50 Hindi films releasing there every year, Pakistan figures in the top five of the international markets."
Pakistan's film industry was able to release only 10 films last year, but there is a chance these numbers will go up. Pakistani film producer Sevy Ali said, "The government has made it mandatory for every mall that is being built to have a multiplex, which will help the business of cinema grow. We only released 10 films last year, but this year there will be 20." Incidentally, late last year there were calls from within the Pakistani film industry and media to ban Indian films so that local efforts would get a boost.
Indian film producers have to look for partners outside the country to get their films into Pakistan. India-based Vikas Mohan, vice president of the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Programme Producers, said, "Production house are releasing their films through partners in Dubai or London. Pakistan is capable of being a territory that can generate a revenue of up to Rs 15 crore for any big film. Unfortunately, there are still unresolved issues which deprive both sides from benefitting from the business of cinema."
In the past year, the increase in multiplexes and introduction of digital cinema has boosted the business. Nadeem Mandviwalla, of Mandviwalla Entertainment in Pakistan, said, "Digital cinema boosted the film exhibition business in Pakistan with the release of 'Ra-One' and 'Don 2'. 'Don 2's' opening week was better than other films with a business of nearly Rs 4 crore."
Earlier, Indian films were sold in Pakistan for only a few lakhs, but now the price of big films has jumped by more than 40%. Pakistani film distributor Amjad Rashid, currently in India to buy films, said, "Today, the price for Salman Khan films is the highest in Pakistan. Shah Rukh Khan's latest release, 'Don 2', has done record business at the box office. The buying of their films is likely to double this year."
Bollywood's official foray into Pakistan may have been a recent occurrence, but despite the over 40-year ban, Bollywood, its icons, its music and its dancing have always remained an integral part of life in Pakistan. Yusra Askari, a mediaperson in Lahore, said, "Bollywood's impact appears everywhere, from the mainstay of a Pakistani wedding to street lingo." She added. "In the past decade, Bollywood-based artistic exchanges between India and Pakistan have initiated increased cultural interaction between the two countries. Bollywood has not only gained a huge fan following in Pakistan, it has often attracted aspirants and sometimes even Pakistani cricketing icons try their luck at filmdom."
Despite an increased cultural dialogue between Islamabad and Delhi, visas to travel to India may be still hard to come by for the average Pakistani, Askari added. "Nevertheless, Pakistanis can always rely on Bollywood cinema to bring home a slice of Mumbai magic," she said. Currently about half-a-dozen actors and singers work in Bollywood films.
Rashid said, "We have only been importing films. It is high time we started exporting Pakistani television serials, which are very popular, and also the music, a high point of Pakistani culture. I feel there is a need for India to do business with Pakistan and there should be relaxations in granting visas to artistes."
Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, considered a cultural ambassador, added, "There is abundant talent in Pakistan crying to be discovered. Indian cinema is moving from strength to strength. We can add new colour to our products by taking fresh talent from Pakistan. We both stand to benefit if we partner one another and make a co-production."
But there is also an opinion that the presence of Pakistani artistes won't really help a film. Producer Ali said, "Pakistanis want to see the Khans or maybe an Akshay Kumar or Hrithik Roshan. A Pakistani actor is a novelty in India, not in Pakistan."
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