Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WikiLeaks Stratfor Emails, ‘Osama’s body wasn’t buried at sea, taken to US’

In a sensational disclosure, Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks have revealed that al Qaeda terrorist Osama bin Laden’s body was not buried at sea, as claimed by the US.

The emails quote Stratfor vice president for intelligence, Fred Burton as saying that Osama’s body, after he was killed in a NAVY SEALS raid at Abbottabad in Pakistan last May, wasn't buried at sea but was taken to US for analysis.

Burton believes the body was “bound for Dover, [Delaware] on [a] CIA plane” and then “onward to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda [Maryland],” says an email.

In another email Burton wrote: "If body dumped at sea, which I doubt, the touch is very Adolph Eichman like. The Tribe did the same thing with the Nazi's ashes. We would want to photograph, DNA, fingerprint, etc.

"His body is a crime scene and I don't see the FBI not DOJ letting that happen."

Eichman, a Nazi mastermind of the Holocaust, was captured, tried in Israel and then executed in 1962. His body was cremated and the ashes scattered at sea.

The US government has so far maintained that Osama’s body was buried at an undisclosed location in Arabian Sea and proper Islamic rituals were followed.

WikiLeaks has been publishing millions of emails from Stratfor - a private US think-tank which monitors intelligence information from around the world.

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