Monday, March 26, 2012

Sneak peek into Kashmera Shah’s sex life!

Bold and sexy Kashmera Shah shed all inhibitions in a recent chit-chat with a leading daily when she revealed how she de-stresses herself - by having sex with her boyfriend!

She said, “The only X-factor in my life is the sex-factor. I de-stress by sleeping with my boyfriend and by having sex with him. I truly believe that if you are unhappy in bed, you can`t be happy anywhere else.”

When asked about her idea of marriage, she said, “Marriage is a very important man-made institution. Once you are married, you need to honour that. I love to see people get married, but I don`t know if I ever will tie the knot again.”

Kashmera divorced her husband Brad Listermann after she fell in love with Krushna Abhishek. Interestingly, Krushna had earlier revealed that he has not seen Kashmera topless; well that sure is now a thing of the past!

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