Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rajoana case: Punjab CM Badal to meet President today, Punjab bandh

Elaborate security arrangements have been put in place as a state-wide bandh has been called on Wednesday by several Sikh organizations in Punjab to protest against a Chandigarh court order that Balwant Singh Rajoana, convicted in former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh's killing, be hanged as scheduled on March 31.

According to reports, nearly 60,000 Punjab police personnel and 15 companies of para-military forces have been deployed to avoid any untoward incident ahead of Rajoana’s execution.

The state government has clamped prohibitory orders under Section 144 banning assembly of five or more persons were at various places in view of the bandh.

Besides, the security around the Patiala Central Jail, where Rajoana is lodged, has also been beefed up and additional security check points have been erected to restrict the entry of those going towards the prison side.

Punjab police and paramilitary forces yesterday conducted flag marches across the state apprehending violence if the execution of Rajoana is carried out.

Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal is expected to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pratibha Devi Singh Patil later today to seek their intervention in saving Rajoana from the gallows.

The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) patron had yesterday said that his government would support the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) sent to President seeking conversion of Rajoana's death sentence to a life term.

The SAD-BJP government and the Congress in the state have demanded grant of clemency to Rajoana.

The Chief Minister insisted that no action should be taken until the High Court passes its final verdict on the case.

"My plea to the President is that the case is still on and no action should be taken yet. The law of the land must be upheld. I shall meet President Pratibha Patil on Wednesday," he told reporters.

The protest in Punjab started after the Chandigarh trial court yesterday returned the death warrant of Balwant Singh Rajoana to Patiala Jail and ordered his execution on March 31.

The additional district and sessions judge Shalini Nagpal also issued a contempt of court notice to the Patiala central jail Superintendent Lakhwinder Singh Jakhar, who had appeared before her to return the death warrant against Rajoana on Monday.

The court order is a big setback to the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) and the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) which had sought clemency for Rajoana hailing him as living Sikh martyr.

Hours ahead of the court ruling, Rajoana also snubbed the ruling Akali leadership asking them not to save him from the gallows, claiming they were pushing for a pardon out of fear of losing support of Sikhs.

In his latest letter released to Sikhs from the Patiala Jail, Rajoana said, "I don't need any help from blue-turbaned Akali leaders, who have not done anything so far to secure justice for Sikhs. Akali leaders have started speaking up now as they fear that if they don't, they will lose their support." He also called the Akali leaders as "cheaters".

The copies of Rajoana's letter were distributed by his foster sister Kamaldeep Kaur outside the Central Jail.

Rajoana also wrote that Akali leaders failed to secure justice from Delhi for innocent Sikhs and should not now throw their turbans before Delhi to seek clemency for him.

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