Wednesday, February 15, 2012

'Facebook for women' Pinterest is fastest-growing social site

A vision board-styled social photo sharing website Pinterest has become one of the fastest-growing social sites, and is increasingly becoming popular among women, according to a report.

The website, that increased its market share by 68 per cent in January in the UK, has hit 12 million unique visitors in the US, the fastest social network ever to hit the figure.

According to Techcrunch, 97 per cent of Pinterest's one million Facebook likes are from women.

Earlier data from Experian Hitwise put the figure at 58 per cent female in December, driven by the photo-sharing site's focus on arts and crafts, The Daily Mail reports.

The site, which is a 'pinboard' where users share images and links about their interests, was launched in March 2010.

The site is described as a visual version of Twitter.

Like Twitter, you can 'follow' users who share your interests, and quick, brief picture posts make up the bulk of posts on the site.

Unlike Facebook and Twitter, posts appear as a 'pinboard' of images built according to user interests.

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