Amitabh Bachchan will undergo abdominal surgery on Saturday at Mumbai Sevenhills hospital. The 69 year old actor announced the news of his surgery on blog. He said that the surgery was not too complicated. He added that his stomach was troubling for a long time and hence it is better to cure it.
This is Bachchan’s fourth surgery. In 2002, he was detected with cirrhosis of the liver. In 2005, he was operated upon for perforated diverticula-holes in the wall of the intestine, the last time Big B was admitted to hospital was in October 2008 when he complained of stomachache due to incisional hernia.
"I do not wish to talk much on my medical condition. The surgery, they say, is not too complicated, but then all doctors say the same as you end up on the operating table, and before long the details and the subsequent anxieties begin to rise,'' he wrote in his blog.
Amitabh Bachchan who is shooting a cameo for Bhojpuri film ‘Gangadevi’ with his wife Jaya Bachchan feels that his abdominal condition deteriorated due to late nights shoots.
Whatever, Big B is getting ready for for the operation and he was undergoing pre-operative sessions. Bachchan is on injection doses which is likely to continue for few days.
This is Bachchan’s fourth surgery. In 2002, he was detected with cirrhosis of the liver. In 2005, he was operated upon for perforated diverticula-holes in the wall of the intestine, the last time Big B was admitted to hospital was in October 2008 when he complained of stomachache due to incisional hernia.
"I do not wish to talk much on my medical condition. The surgery, they say, is not too complicated, but then all doctors say the same as you end up on the operating table, and before long the details and the subsequent anxieties begin to rise,'' he wrote in his blog.
Amitabh Bachchan who is shooting a cameo for Bhojpuri film ‘Gangadevi’ with his wife Jaya Bachchan feels that his abdominal condition deteriorated due to late nights shoots.
Whatever, Big B is getting ready for for the operation and he was undergoing pre-operative sessions. Bachchan is on injection doses which is likely to continue for few days.
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