Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Aamir Khan to quit Smoking

Shah Rukh Khan has been battling with it. And he gets routinely hauled up by his children for being unable to curb his nicotine addiction.

But it has been more than a year since Aamir Khan quit smoking, and this time he says it is for good. And if there is one thing he has in common with SRK, is that in his case too, it was the constant goading from his children that got him to kick the butt. There was a time when he smoked 40 cigarettes a day.

Speaking to Mirror from Delhi airport, the actor spoke about his several failed attempts and emphasised that this time he would not give in. "Never," he insisted.

Talking about what often ate into his resolve to quit smoking, Aamir, who is currently in transit for his forthcoming TV show, said, "Whenever my film was about to hit the theatres, I got nervous. And I felt that a cigarette could ease the pressure." So what triggered the renewed promise this time? Aamir revealed, "Honestly, my son Junaid and my daughter were getting very annoyed. Kiran and my mother too were constantly telling me to throw my cigarettes and lighters away. There was this day, January 1, 2011, to be precise, when I decided that 'Enough is Enough'. I can say that four people were instrumental."

The actor says that the resolve to kick a harmful habit not only benefits the individual but the family as well. "Your family loves you the most, don't they?" the actor added. It also helps that there is only a week's gap between the release of his next and the commencement of Dhoom 3. Aamir is expected to undergo a strict fitness regime for the film, and cigarettes are an absolute no.

So, is he using nicotine patches to control his craving? "There is no craving. Trust me, this time I don't feel the urge to have even one puff if I see anybody smoking near me," the actor says, adding, "I know it's difficult to learn to say 'No' to things that become a habit with you. But this time my will power is immensely strong and I shall not smoke again."

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