Dhoni and wife Sakshi were recently spotted at a special screening of 'Desi Boyz' that John had organized. Rumour mills were abuzz with speculations that the Indian captain might soon make his Bollywood debut. David Dhawan's project 'Hook ya Crook' is still expecting Dhoni's nod.
David Dhawan told the Mumbai Mirror, "We're done with the film, except for the climax, for which we need Dhoni. And John is very keen to get Dhoni on board as well. Why let so much time effort and money go to waste?" Will the busy captain have 15 days to spare for Dhawan's film?
Dhoni is also expected to be present at the pronotional event of the film Y P Singh's 'Kya Yahi Sach Hai'. This film is based on the book 'Carnage by Angels' which exposes corruption in the police force. A family member told Mumbai Mirror, "Despite his extremely busy schedule, when Dhoni received call from Abha Singh, Y P Singh's wife and also the producer of the film, he immediately agreed. He got a call a day after the dramatic test match between India-West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium." When contacted, Abha confirmed the news, adding, "He is a self-made man and a youth icon. Who better than Dhoni to do the honours?"
David Dhawan told the Mumbai Mirror, "We're done with the film, except for the climax, for which we need Dhoni. And John is very keen to get Dhoni on board as well. Why let so much time effort and money go to waste?" Will the busy captain have 15 days to spare for Dhawan's film?
Dhoni is also expected to be present at the pronotional event of the film Y P Singh's 'Kya Yahi Sach Hai'. This film is based on the book 'Carnage by Angels' which exposes corruption in the police force. A family member told Mumbai Mirror, "Despite his extremely busy schedule, when Dhoni received call from Abha Singh, Y P Singh's wife and also the producer of the film, he immediately agreed. He got a call a day after the dramatic test match between India-West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium." When contacted, Abha confirmed the news, adding, "He is a self-made man and a youth icon. Who better than Dhoni to do the honours?"
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